Understanding PCI DSS Compliance Levels
The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is a set of security standards designed to protect customer credit card data by maintaining a secure credit card processing environment. Businesses that are not PCI compliant may be subject to fines, sanctions, and loss of privileges from the clearinghouse that processes credit card payments. Businesses that …. Read More
PCI DSS Requirements V 3.2.1
The information below is from the PCI Security Standards organization and is intended to be a guide to all entities subject to PCI DSS regulations. To achieve PCI DSS compliance, an organization must meet all PCI DSS requirements, regardless of the order in which they are satisfied or whether the organization seeking compliance follows the …. Read More
Ten Common Myths of PCI DSS
The information below was excerpted from the PCI Security Standards Council article of the same name. It can be found at https://www.pcisecuritystandards.org/documents/ PCI DSS specifies 12 requirements entailing many security technologies and business processes, and reflects most of the usual best practices for securing sensitive information. The resulting scope is comprehensive and may seem daunting …. Read More
Massachusetts Data Privacy Law (201 CMR 17)
The text below has been excerpted from the Massachusetts Data Privacy Law and provides information of relevance to merchants. The entire statute may be found at ttps://www.mass.gov/files/documents/2017/10/02/201cmr17.pdf. Purpose. 201 CMR 17.00 implements the provisions of M.G.L. c. 93H relative to the standards to be met by persons who own or license personal information about a …. Read More
Connecticut Data Breach Law (CGS Sec 36a-701b)
The text below has been excerpted from the website of the Attorney General and provides information of relevance to merchants. The entire document may be found at https://portal.ct.gov/AG/General/Report-a-Breach-of-Security-Involving-Computerized-Data. Pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes § 36a-701b, anyone who conducts business in Connecticut and who– in the ordinary course of business– owns, licenses or maintains computerized data that includes …. Read More